OnQ Display Intelligence brings together innovative design, smart engineering and robust technology that works together to create meaningful customer engagement at retail. OnQ’s technology platform creates interactive retail experiences for customers, while delivering deep, actionable analytics to brands and retailers via the Converge dashboard

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Rail Mounted Sliding Display

Laterally-sliding, interactive tablets that move with the customers through their shopping journey and automatically serve up rich content with product education, specs, tutorials and reviews that allow for a more informed purchase decision.

Ability to deeply research and compare products available both in-store and online keeps customers in the retailer’s ecosystem, whether the customer purchases a product off the shelf or makes an in-aisle purchase from the retailer’s online inventory.

Highly customizable and capable of displaying a wide variety of products, which is particularly relevant to product categories that benefit from richer education or that have higher price.


Static Display

Fixed platform delivers the same rich content as the laterally sliding display, but with a stationary form factor particularly well-suited to endcaps and other small-scale retail deployments.

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Portable solution whereby touch-interactive tablets can be carried throughout a pre-defined retail environment. Retailers have the option of enabling customers to self-direct the experience through touch interaction with the tablet, or automatically triggering content display via proximity sensors.

Mixed reality

Sleek, free-standing kiosk that uses mixed reality to enable customers to virtually try on jewelry items such as bracelets, rings and wrist watches.

Integrated touch-interactive display prompts customers to complete a quick 3D scan of their hand by slowly rotating their hand above the kiosk’s embedded 3D scanner.

Once the scan is complete, a life-size replication of the customer’s hand appears on the screen, and the customer can then “try on” various pieces of jewelry by simply selecting from a list of available products on the kiosk’s touchscreen.

Full-motion video in response to the customer’s own movements replicates the customer’s movements on-screen, making it possible for the customer to see how a particular piece will look on their hand, from virtually any angle

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Drop/Lift & Learn

Display uses RFID technology to present detailed information about products as they’re placed on the tray. Product information can be displayed on an iPad for portability and discretion, or on a larger behind-counter display for greater visual impact.

The tray is battery powered and fully wireless, making for easy deployment in virtually any retail setting. A companion inventory-management solution helps reduce inventory shrinkage to near-zero, empowering retailers to curb losses and improve profitability.